Are you an e bike enthusiast and looking forward to bringing your e bike onto the roads of Europe? Well, before you head out, you must ensure that you keep yourself equipped with the Europe e bike law. When you know the laws, you can easily ride on without any stress from getting a penalty.

The guide below provides a detailed insight into the e bike law prevalent in Europe and different cities. So, let's read below and learn about them.

a part of bicycle on the road

Two Major Categories of E Bikes

Before we dive into the details of e bike rules, let's first learn about the two main categories of e bikes.

1. Electric Pedal-assist Bicycles

Electric pedal-assist bicycles are equipped with pedal assistance. They have a motor that starts when the pedals activate, and they assist the cyclist to ride the e bike. This type of e bike doesn't need any insurance or road tax payment.

2. Electric Mopeds

Electric mopeds, on the other hand, are self-operated e bikes; they have a motor which works when the bicycle pedals are not moving. This type of category requires insurance and road tax payment followed by a license plate.

The two types of electric mopeds are suggested below.

  • Pedelec: Pedelec are the e bikes, which are also known as Pedal Electric Assisted Cycles. They have a consistent power of 250 watts, and they have a speed limit of 25 km/h.
  • S-Pedelec: S-Pedelec, on the other hand, are known to be speed pedelec e bikes that offer a pedal assist. These e-bikes do not turn off the motor when they reach a maximum speed of 25 km/h; rather, they do this when they reach a speed of 45 km/h. These e bikes require you to meet the condition of wearing a helmet and also to have a registered license followed by tax and insurance payment.

Types of E Bikes Publically Allowed on European Roads

In European countries, there are certain electric bike rules that must be complied with, and some of these, which help decide which e bikes can be ridden on European roads, are as follows:

  • The rotation speed of the engine must not be more than 250W.
  • The electric motor assurance also needs to be functional to the point of reaching 25 km/h.
  • The engine needs to stop when the cyclist stops pedaling.

Helmet and Age Requirements

In European countries, the requirement for a helmet is not a part of the electric bike law for the pedelec riders. Though it is not mandatory, it is recommended as it helps protect against head injuries.

Moreover, the age limit is also very important to consider when riding a bike. The lower-power bikes, which have less than 250W motor power, require a minimum of 14 to 15 years of age in most cities; however, in Belgium and Switzerland, it is more than 16.

2 bicyclists standing by the river

Electric Bike Regulations in Different European Countries

Different European countries have different electric bike legislation, and some of these are shared below.

1. E Bike laws in Austria

The e bike law for Austria comprises the following conditions:

  • The maximum speed limit is 25km/h, and the drive power is 600 watts.
  • The motor of the e bike must switch on only when the pedals are pressed.
  • If possible, the driver should be using the cycle path.
  • In order to transport children, trailers can be used.
  • Until and unless a cycling license is purchased, the minimum age for riding an e bike is 12 years.
  • The helmet is recommended but not compulsory.
  • The e bike must have an EU declaration followed by a CE marking.
  • The limit for alcohol consumption is 0.8.

2. Electric bike laws in Belgium

The e bike regulations in Belgium are pretty relaxing. They allow three types of e bikes.

  • The 250W e bikes with a speed limit to a maximum of 25 km/h is suitable for all age groups with no requirement for the helmet.
  • The 1000W e bikes with a speed limit of 25 km/h are known to be the motorized bikes that have an age limit of a minimum of 16 years, followed by a conformity certificate. It doesn't require a helmet.
  • The 4000W e bikes are known to be speed pedelecs, and riders of these bikes have to follow the moped regulations.

3. E Bike laws in France

There are three types of primary rules that are essential to follow for the e bike riders, and these are as follows:

  • The power of the e bike must not be more than 250 watts; once the e bike crosses the speed limit, they are labeled as a speed bike.
  • The pedal assistance needs to have a cut-off above 25 km/h.
  • The pedal assistance should work only when the cyclist is pedaling, and the moment pedaling stops, the pedal assistance must also be cut off.
  • The electric bike legislation in France is very strict, and non-compliance leads to severe penalties.

4. Electric Bicycle Laws in Germany

The e bike laws in Germany require the following conditions to be met.

  • The motor assistance works when you are pedaling, and the speed does not exceed 25 km/h.
  • The pedelecs that are sold in the EU need the EU declaration and also the CE mark.
  • The minimum age requirement for a rider is 15 years old.
bike lane

EU-required E Bike Certifications

The rights and interests of the consumers are very important to be secured, and for this e bikes must pass certifications like RoHS, CE, FCC, etc. The certification of CE is a mandatory requirement, and it helps meet the health safety and environmental protection requirements.

The customs in European countries check the CE certifications when the e bikes are transported, as the ones without them are prohibited from selling in the market.


1. What is the speed limit on e bikes in Europe?

Ans. The maximum speed limit on e bikes in Europe is 25 km/h.

2. Are electric bikes legal in France?

Ans. Yes, e bikes are legal in France, but the rules and regulations related to the e bikes must be followed according to the laws that prevail here.

3. What is the EU law in en15194?

Ans. EU law en15194 provides a standard for assessing electric bikes of the type that fall under the health and safety criteria.

4. Are 1000 watt ebikes legal in Canada?

Ans. No, in Canada, bikes having a power of up to 500 watts are only legal.

5. What is the ECA EU law?

Ans. The ECA provides for a primary legislative vehicle in which the UK meets its EU treaty obligations to allow the EU law to become effective.

6. What is the EU zero emission policy?

Ans. The EU zero emission policy highlights the committee to reach "zero emissions of carbon dioxide by 2050."

7. What is the EU Type C law?

Ans. The EU type C law states that every device that has a wired charging must have a USB-C port, which makes it eligible for sale within the European regions.


The significance of following the e-bike law in European countries cannot be denied, and it is very important to keep oneself familiar with it. Understanding e-bike law is crucial for ensuring you stay compliant and safe while riding. Hence, the guide above may help you learn about these laws, providing detailed insights into the legality of electric bikes. If you are looking for e-bikes eligible for use in Europe with a CE marking, you can consider the ones offered by Engwe. Staying informed about e-bikes and the law will help you make better choices and enjoy a hassle-free riding experience across Europe.

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junho 19, 2024 — Icey